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- From: kko@fraser.sfu.ca (Samuel Ko)
- Subject: [misc.books.technical] A Concise Guide to Unix Books
- Message-ID: <1992Nov25.084819.28375@sfu.ca>
- Followup-To: misc.books.technical
- Summary: A list of recommended Unix books and documentations ...
- Keywords: Unix, related areas, books, documentations
- Sender: news@sfu.ca
- Organization: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada
- Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1992 08:48:19 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Lines: 787
- Archive-name: books/unix
- Last-modified: Nov 25 1992
- Version 1.6.1 (with changes)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- [misc.books.technical] A Concise Guide to Unix Books
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Compiled by: Samuel Ko (kko@sfu.ca)
- ** This is a good selection of the "best" Unix books / documentations.
- The selection is based on i) recommendations from netnews readers,
- ii) the US/Canada sales figures, and iii) a bit of my own preference.
- ** Subject areas covered:
- A. General Unix Texts
- B. Shells
- C. Unix Editors
- D. Networking and Communications
- E. System Administration
- F. Unix Security
- G. Programming
- H. TeX
- I. X Window System
- J. Dictionary
- K. Other Lists
- ** This guide is intended to be concise, so it is far from exhaustive.
- For other Unix bibliographies, please read section K - Other Lists.
- ** THANKS to all who have helped in improving this guide. However, to save
- some bandwidth, I do not want to include a long list of acknowledgment.
- I do sincerely thank each and every one of you who has contributed to
- this compilation in one way or the other.
- [[ BTW, from your responses since this list was first posted ...
- The best publisher:
- O'Reilly & Associates
- The most-recommended books:
- Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens
- Unix System Administration Handbook by Nemeth, Snyder and Seebass
- The Whole Internet - User's Guide & Catalog by Ed Krol ]]
- ** If you think there are some other really good Unix books, please let me
- know. Besides any comments, suggestions and flames will be very much
- appreciated.
- ** I will try to update and post this list at least once a month. The latest
- version is also obtainable by anonymous ftp from pit-manager.mit.edu (in
- /pub/usenet/news.answers/books). If you do not have ftp or netnews access
- you can get it by email from mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu and the body
- of your request should be send usenet/news.answers/books/unix .
- ** I am now preparing this list in other formats. More info in the next issue.
- ** Here it goes ...
- A. General Unix Texts
- *************************
- 1. Title: Unix for the Impatient
- Authors: Paul Abrahams and Bruce Larson
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-201-55703-7
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- A new, comprehensive, in-depth reference to Unix ...
- "a handbook you can use both as a manual to learn UNIX and as
- a ready reference for fast answers to specific UNIX questions."
- 2. Title: The Unix Operating System
- Author: Kaare Christian
- Publisher: Wiley
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1988
- ISBN: 0-471-84781-X
- Comment: A classic overview of Unix commands ... Good in coverage ...
- 3. Title: A Practical Guide to the Unix System
- Author: Mark Sobell
- Publisher: Benjamin / Cummings
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-80-530243-3
- Comment: Similar to Christian's book ... Slightly easier to read ...
- There is a new edition for System V Release 4 ...
- 4. Title: The Waite Group's Unix System V Primer
- Authors: Mitchell Waite, Donald Martin and Stephen Prata
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1992
- ISBN: 0-672-30194-6
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- A very good hand-holding tutorial-type book for Unix/SVR4 ...
- 5. Title: Mastering SunOS
- Authors: Brent Heslop and David Angell
- Publisher: Sybex
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-89588-683
- Comment: A good, comprehensive hand-on text to SunOS and OpenWindows ...
- 6. Title: Peter Norton's Guide to Unix
- Authors: Peter Norton and Harley Hahn
- Publisher: Bantam Computer
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-553-35260-1
- Comment: Good coverage ... A good introduction for beginners (especially
- those accustomed to DOS) ...
- 7. Title: Unix System V Release 4: An Introduction
- Authors: Kenneth Rosen, Richard Rosinski and James Farber
- Publisher: McGraw Hill
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-07-881552-5
- Comment: A very comprehensive text targeted to novice users ...
- 8. Title: Unix System V Release 4: The Complete Reference
- Author: Stephen Coffin
- Publisher: McGraw Hall
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-07-881653-X
- Comment: Another good book on Unix fundamentals and related subjects ...
- 9. Title: Unix in a Nutshell
- Authors: Daniel Gilly and O'Reilly staff
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1992 (for System V and Solaris 2)
- ISBN: 1-56592-001-5
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- An excellent desktop reference to almost all Unix commands ...
- "a complete reference containing all commands and options, plus
- generous descriptions and examples that put the commands in
- context." ...
- Also, an edition for 4.3. BSD ...
- 10. Title: Life with Unix - A Guide for Everyone
- Authors: Don Libes and Sandy Ressler
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-13-536657-7
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- An everything-you-want-to-know-about-Unix book ...
- It includes info you might not find elsewhere ...
- "This book is the "other" book about Unix ... a study in
- reading between the lines - which is very much what learning
- UNIX is like." ...
- 11. Title: Learning Unix
- Author: James Gardner
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-672-30001-X
- Comment: With disks containing MSDOS simulation of Unix (MKS Tools) ...
- A good tutorial / reference book for those without constant
- access to Unix ...
- 12. Title: Unix Desktop Guide to Tools
- Author: Pete Holsberg
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-672-30202-0
- Comment: A new and comprehensive guide to numerous Unix utilities ...
- 13. Title: The Frequently Asked Questions List
- Author: Ted Timar
- Edition: 92/10/20 (biweekly)
- Comment: This is a multi-part list of often-asked Unix questions (with
- answers) ... Read the postings on news.answers or get them
- by anonymous ftp from pit-manager.mit.edu (in /pub/usenet/
- news.answers/unix-faq) ...
- 14. Title: The Design of the Unix Operating System
- Author: Maurice Bach
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 1986
- ISBN: 0-13-201799-7
- Comment: An excellent reference on the internals of System V ...
- This book and the next one are indeed highly technical ...
- And if you just want a short case study on Unix, consult a good
- text on operating systems like Modern Operating Systems by
- A. Tanenbaum or Operating System Concepts by A. Silberschatz,
- J. Peterson and P. Galvin ...
- 15. Title: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix Operating System
- Authors: Samuel Leffler et al
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
- Comment: An authoritative description of the design of BSD Unix ...
- "It covers the internal structure of the 4.3BSD system and the
- concepts, data structures, and algorithms used in implementing
- the system facilities." ...
- B. Shells
- *************
- 1. Title: The Unix C Shell Field Guide
- Authors: Gail Anderson and Paul Anderson
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 1986
- ISBN: 0-13-937468-X
- Comment: The C-Shell Bible - everything you need to know to understand
- csh and use Unix effectively ...
- 2. Title: Unix C Shell - Desk Reference
- Author: Martin Arick
- Publisher: QED Technical
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-89435-328-4
- Comment: A more recent text on maximizing the use of C-Shell ...
- 3. Title: Unix Shell Programming
- Authors: Stephen Kochan and Patrick Wood
- Publisher: Hayden
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-672-48448-X
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- A classic on using and programming Bourne Shell (and Korn Shell) ...
- 4. Title: Unix Desktop Guide to the Korn Shell
- Author: John Valley
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-672-48513-3
- Comment: This one is even better and easier to read than the authoritative
- work by Korn and Bolsky ...
- C. Unix Editors
- *******************
- 1. Title: GNU EMACS Manual
- Author: Richard Stallman
- Publisher: Free Software Foundation
- Edition: 6th ed. 1988
- Comment: The official manual of GNU Emacs ... Essential for emacs users ...
- 2. Title: Learning GNU Emacs
- Authors: Debra Cameron and Bill Rosenblatt
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-937175-84-6
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- Probably the best documentation on editing with GNU Emacs ...
- 3. Title: Desktop Guide to Emacs
- Authors: Ralph Roberts and Mark Boyd
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-672-30171-7
- Comment: Another good book on emacs ...
- 4. Title: Learning the vi Editor
- Author: Linda Lamb
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-937175-67-6
- Comment: A very good guide to vi and ex commands ...
- With a quick reference card ...
- 5. Titles: vi Tutor and vi Reference
- Authors: Micheal Pierce and Robert Ware (Tut), Maarten Litmaati (Ref)
- Edition: 1.3 (Tut), 8 (Ref)
- Comment: These and other good vi stuff are obtainable by anonymous ftp
- from cs.uwp.edu (in pub/vi) ...
- D. Networking and Communications
- *************************************
- 1. Title: Unix Networking
- Authors: Edited by Stephen Kochan and Patrick Wood
- Publisher: Hayden
- Edition: 1989
- ISBN: 0-672-48440-4
- Comment: Fairly technical on different issues of networking ...
- 2. Title: Managing NFS and NIS
- Author: Hal Stern
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-75-7
- Comment: A comprehensive, technical guide for system admins on distributed
- computing tools - NFS and NIS(YP) ...
- 3. Title: Unix Network Programming
- Author: Richard Stevens
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-13-949876-1
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- An excellent book on programming network softwares ...
- The source codes and errata list are obtainable by anonymous ftp
- from ftp.uu.net (in /published/books) ...
- 4. Title: Adventures in Unix Network Applications Programming
- Authors: Bill Riekan and Lyle Weiman
- Publisher: Wiley
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-471-52858-7
- Comment: A recent, fine book on network programming ...
- 5. Title: The Waite Group's Unix Communications
- Authors: Bart Anderson, Brian Costales & Harry Henderson
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
- ISBN: 0-672-22773-8
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- A really excellent book on e-mail (Mail, elm), netnews (rn, nn)
- and UUCP ...
- 6. Title: Managing UUCP and Usenet
- Authors: Tim O'Reilly and Grace Todino
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 10 ed. 1992
- ISBN: 0-937175-93-5
- Comment: Well written on the setting-up and maintenance of UUCP
- and Netnews ...
- 7. Title: Using UUCP and Usenet
- Authors: Grace Todino and Dale Dougherty
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-10-2
- Comment: Well written on how to use uucp and netnews ...
- 8. Titles: Internetworking with TCP/IP Vols I, II and III
- Authors: Douglas Comer and David Stevens
- Publisher: Prentice-Hall
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-13-468505-9 (I), 0-13-472242-6 (II), 0-13-474222-2 (III)
- Comment: A detailed discussion on the architecture and implementation of
- the Internet and its protocols ...
- Vol I (on principles, protocols and architecture) is readable by
- everyone, Vol 2 (on design, implementation and internals) is
- more technical, and Vol 3 (on client-server computing) is
- recently out ...
- 9. Title: TCP/IP Network Administration
- Author: Craig Hunt
- Publisher: O'Reiily
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-937175-82-X
- Comment: With everything you need to know about the installation and
- running of a TCP/IP network ...
- 10. Title: DNS and BIND
- Authors: Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 1-56592-010-4
- Comment: A unique guide on domain name system for system admins ...
- "DNS and BIND discusses one of the Internet's fundamental
- building blocks: the distributed host information database
- that's responsible for translating names into addresses,
- routing mail to its proper destination and many other services."
- 11. Title: The Whole Internet - User's Guide & Catalog
- Author: Ed Krol
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 1-56592-025-2
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- Definitely a MUST for any new and not-so-new Internet users ...
- "It is a complete user's guide to the Internet, covering everything
- from the basics, like electronic mail and newsgroups, to the
- newest developments. A large part of the book tells you how to
- find the resources you want." ...
- 12. Title: Zen and the Art of the Internet
- Author: Brendan Kehoe
- Edition: 1st ed. 1992
- Comment: A comprehensive overview of the Internet for beginners ...
- This document, in different formats, can be obtained by
- anonymous ftp from world.std.com (in /obi/Internet/zen-1.0) or
- ftp.cs.widener.edu (in /pub/zen) or as zen10.zip from
- /pub/msdos/books at oak.oakland.edu ...
- The second edition (with 30 more pages and changes) is published
- by Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0-13-010778-6) ...
- 13. Title: E-Mail: Pervasive and Persuasive in IEEE Spectrum
- Authors: Tekla Perry and John Adam
- Edition: October 1992 Volume 29 Number 10
- Pages: 22 - 33
- Comment: An interesting special report on E-Mail networks ...
- E. System Administration
- ****************************
- 1. Title: Unix System Administration Handbook
- Authors: Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder and Scott Seebass
- Publisher: Prentice-Hall
- Edition: 1989
- ISBN: 0-13-933441-6
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- Classic, also known as the sys-admin bible ...
- "an attempt to condense everything that a system administrator
- should know about UNIX into a single, easy-to-use volume" ...
- Source codes for programs listed (sa-book.tar.Z) can be
- obtained by anonymous ftp from boulder.colorado.edu (in
- /pub/sa-book) or oak.oakland.edu (in /pub/unix-c/sysadmin) ...
- 2. Title: Unix System V Release 4 Administration
- Authors: David Fiedler, Bruce Hunter and Ben Smith
- Publisher: Hayden
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
- ISBN: 0-672-22810-6
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- A must for any intermediate / advanced users of Unix ...
- "you'll find the information you need to organize a practical,
- efficient, and productive UNIX system" ...
- 3. Title: Essential System Administration
- Author: Aeleen Frisch
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-80-3
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- A must for serious users / sys admins of Unix ...
- "It provides a compact, manageable treatment of the tasks and
- issues that everyone responsible for a UNIX system faces." ...
- 4. Title: Unix System - Advanced Administration and Management Handbook
- Author: Bruce Hunter and Karen Hunter
- Publisher: MacMillan
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-02-358950-7
- Comment: Another good book on system administration ...
- 5. Title: System Performance Tuning
- Author: Mike Loukides
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-937175-60-9
- Comment: A fine book for sys admins on how to fine tune your Unix
- system(s) to do more work ...
- 6. Title: Downsizing to Unix
- Author: Steven Glines
- Publisher: New Riders Publishing
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 1-56205-074-5
- Comment: A book for people involved or interested in downsizing mainframe
- data-processing to a distributed Unix network ...
- 7. Title: Dropping The Mainframe without Crushing the Users
- Authors: Peter Van Epp and Bill Baines
- Edition: Nov 1992
- Comment: A paper describing the migration at Simon Fraser University from
- centralized mainframe (MTS) to distributed computing (Unix) in
- 9 months ... The paper (LISA-VI.paper.ps.Z (postscript)) can be
- obtained by anonymous ftp from ftpserver.sfu.ca (in /pub/ucspapers)
- ... Also, RPIPaper92.ps.Z ...
- F. Unix Security
- ********************
- 1. Title: Practical Unix Security
- Authors: Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-72-2
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- Simply the best book in this field ...
- "everything you need to know to make your UNIX system as
- secure as it can be." ...
- 2. Title: Unix System Security - A Guide for Users and System Administrators
- Author: David Curry
- Publisher: Addision Wesley
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-201-56327-4
- Comment: Good and comprehensive coverage ...With pointers to further info ...
- 3. Title: Unix System Security
- Author: Rik Farrow
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-201-57030-0
- Comment: Another fine book on Unix security ... But some errors ...
- 4. Title: Site Security Handbook
- Authors: Edited by Paul Holbrook and Joyce Reynolds
- Edition: 1991
- Comment: A guide to setting computer security policies and procedures
- for sites that have systems on the Internet ...
- This is rfc1244.txt which is available by anonymous ftp from
- nic.ddn.mil (in rfc directory) ... Also, rfc1281.txt - Guidelines
- for the Secure Operation of the Internet ...
- 5. Title: Computer Security Basics
- Authors: Deborah Russell and G T Gangemi Sr.
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-71-4
- Comment: A clear overview on many different security issues ...
- 6. Title: The Cuckoo's Egg
- Author: Cliff Stoll
- Publisher: Pocket Books
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-671-72688-9
- Comment: A fascinating real story on computer espionage ...
- A good alternative to this is Cyberpunk written by Katie Hafner
- and John Markoff and published by Touchstone Book ...
- G. Programming
- ******************
- 1. Title: The Unix Programming Environment
- Authors: Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike
- Publisher: Prentice-Hall
- Edition: 1984
- ISBN: 0-13-937681-X
- Comment: A true classic on Unix programming ...
- 2. Title: Advanced Programming in The Unix Environment
- Author: Richard Stevens
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-201-56317-7
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- A going-to-be classic on how programs work under Unix ...
- The source codes and errata list are obtainable by anonymous ftp
- from ftp.uu.net (in /published/books) ...
- 3. Title: Advanced Unix Programming
- Author: Marc Rochkind
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 1985
- ISBN: 0-13-011818-4
- Comment: A superb book covering all system calls in detail ...
- 4. Title: The C Programming Language
- Authors: Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1988
- ISBN: 0-13-110362-8
- Comment: This book is 200% a MUST for any C programmers ...
- And the answers to the exercises can be found in C Answer Book
- ... written by Tondo and Gimpel and published by Prentice Hall
- (ISBN: 0-13-109653-2) ...
- 5. Title: C - A Reference Manual
- Authors: Samuel Harbison and Guy Steel
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 3rd ed. 1991
- ISBN: 0-13-110933-2
- Comment: An authoritative reference to C programming language ...
- A good companion to Kernighan and Ritchie ...
- 6. Title: The Waite Group's New Primer C Plus
- Authors: Mitchell Waite and Stephen Prata
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-672-22687-1
- Comment: A really good introduction to C for beginners ...
- 7. Title: C: The Complete Reference
- Author: Herbert Schildt
- Publisher: McGraw Hill
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-07-881538-X
- Comment: Another classic on the C language ...
- 8. Title: Practical C Programming
- Author: Steve Oualline
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-65-X
- Comment: Yet another good C book describing how to create programs that
- are easy to read, maintain and debug ...
- 9. Title: Using C on the Unix System
- Author: David Curry
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-937175-23-4
- Comment: This book is directed to (would-be) system programmers ...
- 10. Title: Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries
- Author: Don Libes
- Publisher: Wiley
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-471-57805-3
- Comment: With practical C programming hints and winning programs from
- the Obfuscated C Code Contests ...
- 11. Title: The Berkeley Unix Environment
- Author: Nigel Horspool
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1992
- ISBN: 0-13-089368-4
- Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
- An excellent book on C programming for Berkeley Unix system ...
- "a companion text intended for use in college and university
- courses concerned with Compiler Construction, Software
- Engineering and Operating Systems" ...
- 12. Title: The Waite Group's C++ Programming
- Author: John Berry
- Publisher: Sams
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-672-22771-1
- Comment: A fine book on OOP with C++ (for Unix and Dos) ...
- 13. Title: The C++ Programming Language
- Author: Bjarne Stroustrup
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
- ISBN: 0-201-53992-6
- Comment: A classic reference on C++ ...
- 14. Title: C++: The Complete Reference
- Author: Herbert Schildt
- Publisher: McGraw Hill
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-07-881654-8
- Comment: Another good text on C++ ...
- 15. Title: Managing Projects with make
- Authors: Steve Talbott and Andrew Oram
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-90-0
- Comment: An unique text on using make for software development ...
- 16. Title: The AWK Programming Language
- Authors: Alfred Aho, Brian Kernighan and Peter Weinberger
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- Edition: 1988
- ISBN: 0-201-07981-X
- Comment: A complete description by the authors of awk ...
- 17. Title: Sed and Awk
- Author: Dale Dougherty
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-937175-59-5
- Comment: A very good work on programming / text processing with
- sed and awk ...
- 18. Title: Programming Perl
- Authors: Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-937175-64-1
- Comment: The authoritative guide to Perl - the programming language for
- for any serious Unix users ...
- 19. Title: Writing A Unix Device Driver
- Authors: Janet Egan and Tom Teixeria
- Publisher: Wiley
- Edition: 2nd ed. 1992
- ISBN: 0-471-53574-5
- Comment: A unique book on writing programs to control hardware devices ...
- H. TeX
- **********
- 1. Title: The TeXbook
- Author: Donald Knuth
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-201-13448-9
- Comment: The Bible ... A definite guide to typesetting with TeX ...
- 2. Title: TeX for the Impatient
- Author: Paul Abrahams
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-201-51375-7
- Comment: A more user-friendly handbook on TeX ...
- 3. Title: LATeX - A Document Preparation System
- Author: Leslie Lamport
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- Edition: 1986
- ISBN: 0-201-15790-X
- Comment: The bible for LATeX users ...
- I. X Window System
- **********************
- 1. Title: X Window System Users' Guide
- Authors: Valerie Quercia and Tim O'Reilly
- Publisher: O'Reilly
- Edition: 1990 (Motif or MIT)
- ISBN: 0-937175-61-7
- Comment: Volume 3 in O'Reilly's excellent X-Window series ...
- A fairly useful tutorial-type book to X11R4 ...
- [ BTW ... Some other books in O'Reilly's X Window System series ...
- Vol. 0 - X Protocol Reference Manual, for X 11 R4 and R5
- Vol. 1 - Xlib Programming Manual, for X11 R4 and R5
- Vol. 2 - Xlib Reference Manual, for X11 R4 and R5
- Vol. 4 - X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual, R4
- Vol. 5 - X Toolkit Intrinsics Reference Manual, for X11 R4 and R5
- (An update for owner of Vols 1, 2, 4 and 5 ...
- Programmer's Supplement for Release 5 of the X Window System, Verion 11)
- Vol. 6 - Motif Programming Manual
- Vol. 7 - XView Programming Manual
- (also XView Reference Manual)
- Vol. 8 - X Window System Administrator's Guide, for X11 R5
- The X Window System in a Nutshell ]
- 2. Title: The X Window System - A User's Guide
- Author: Niall Manfield
- Publisher: Addison Wesley
- Edition: 1990
- ISBN: 0-201-56344-4
- Comment: Another good tutorial-type book to using X ...
- 3. Title: X Window Inside & Out
- Author: Levi Reiss and Joseph Radin
- Publisher: McGraw Hill
- Edition: 1992
- ISBN: 0-07-881796-X
- Comment: A recent text on using and programming X Window ...
- 4. Title: X Window System Programming and Applications with Xt
- Author: Doug Young
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 1989 (Motif or Open Look)
- ISBN: 0-13-497074-8
- Comment: An excellent book on X programming ...
- J. Dictionary
- *****************
- 1. Title: The New Hacker's Dictionary
- Author: Eric Raymond
- Publisher: MIT Press
- Edition: 1991
- ISBN: 0-262-68069-6
- Comment: This book corresponds to version 2.9.6 of the on-line
- jargon file ... The latest (at the time of writing) is
- version 2.9.10 (jargon2910.ascii.Z) which is available
- by anonymous ftp from wuarchive.wustl.edu (in mirrors/gnu) ...
- Changes since the publication of this book can be found
- in the file jargon-changes.Z ...
- K. Other Lists
- ******************
- 1. Title: Yet Another Book List
- Author: Mitch Wright
- Edition: Nov 6 1992
- Comment: This is an excellent compilation of almost all Unix and C book
- titles along with info for locating them and short reviews and
- summaries of book contents ...
- You can get it (yabl) by anonymous ftp from ftp.rahul.net (in
- /pub/mitch/YABL) ...
- 2. Title: X Technical Bibliography
- Author: Ken Lee
- Edition: Nov 4 1992
- Comment A good collection of publicly available X window system technical
- materials ... The bibliography is posted periodically on
- misc.books.technical and you can also get it by anonymous ftp
- from pit-manager.mit.edu (in /pub/usenet/misc.books.technical) ...
- 3. Title: Network Reading List: TCP/IP, Unix and Ethernet
- Author: Charles Spurgeon
- Edition: 3.5 Feb 1992
- Comment: This annotated list describes those items that cover the subject
- areas well ... It is obtainable by anonymous ftp from ftp.uu.net
- (in /inet/doc) ...
- 4. Title: Catalog of O'Reilly Books
- Authors: O'Reilly staff
- Edition: Nov 21 1992
- Comment: You get can it (book.catalog.Z) by anonymous ftp from
- ftp.ora.com ... where you can also find source codes for examples
- in many books in the Nutshell and X series ...
- Or read the more-updated online catalog on O'Reilly gopher
- server (telnet gopher.ora.com login: gopher) ...
- --
- Samuel Ko (kko@sfu.ca) (aka: The Smart One)
- Expert in Computer Books and Documentations ...